2015考研英语作文预测 勤俭节约

来源:中国研究生招生网www.eduyz.net 作者:yzw 时间:2014-12-09 13:17:52
  •     核心提示:
距考研只剩23天,备考时间可谓相当紧张,作文的复习是本阶段的重点任务之一,今天为各位考生带来一道英语(一)的作文预测题,希望能够帮助考生更好的备考。 【作文指令】 Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 大作文预测题 【范文示例】 As is shown above, in the 1970s, grandmother Deng was mending pajamas which had been covered with patches for Premier Zhou in the first picture. By contrast, in the other picture, now, enjoying in affluence despite, with the gratifying smile on a couple, the husband took over his coat that just mended from his wife and said: “ it can also put on for a few years…” Apparently, this picture emphasizes the inheritance of the virtue of thrift. With the rapid development of social productivity, the material life of people becomes more and more rich, and their consumption ideas also changes larger accordingly. We cannot deny these facts, but we can never abandon the traditional virtue of our nation—thrift. Compared to the developed countries, we are not rich yet, so it is necessary to encourage frugality. Even if we become rich one day, should be thrifty too. Only being frugal every time, every generation, can our country evergrowing prosperity, and our individual family increasingly wealth. 【参考译文】 如图所示,第一幅图画中描述的是二十世纪七十年代邓奶奶给周总理缝补睡衣的情景,第二幅图画中则呈现了在生活富裕的今天一位丈夫欣然接过妻子刚刚给他缝补好的外套,笑着说:“还可以再穿上几年……”,夫妻二人脸上都洋溢着满意的笑容。 这幅图显然是在强调节俭这一美德的传承。随着社会生产力的迅猛发展,人们的物质生活越来越丰富了,消费观念也相应发生了较大变化。我们不能否认这些现象,但我们也决不能抛弃中华民族的传统美德——节俭。 和发达国家比较起来,我们还并不富裕,要讲节俭。倘若有一天,我们富了,也应该节俭,因为只有时时不忘节俭,代代厉行节俭,我们的国家才能日益兴旺发达,我们每个人的小家才能生活富足。 认真学习完这个终极预测作文题,是不是更加胸有成竹了呢?预祝大家取得理想成绩!

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